Crochet tutorial – Slip Stitch

Here comes another appointment with the crochet lessons! It’s always Maria Elisa from Needles and Skeins writing! In the last post we learned how to make slip knot and chain stitch, this time we face the Slip Stitch (abbreviation: sl st), the smallest of all the crochet stitches.

To review the previous stitches follow BettaKnit Channel on Youtube!

The Slip Stitch is rarely used for entire projects, although it can create a very dense fabric, compact and durable. It’s generally used for closing rows worked in round, joining different pieces, shaping, finishing the edges and, when necessary, to move the yarn to another part of the fabric for the next stage.

As you can see it’s a small stitch, but necessary! Particularly for objects and accessories worked in round like coasters, hats, baskets, rugs … and many others.


Slip Stitch step by step:

  1. Make a Slip Knot and then make a foundation chain.
  2. Pay attention to the tension of the yarn: the yarn should be wrapped around the shaft of your hook (not the throat!), not too tightly.
  3. Insert the crochet hook into the middle of the second stitch from hook. (Slip Stitch uses a turning chain of 1 stitch, which is why you skip the first stitch of your foundation chain).
  4. Move the hook under, then over the yarn.
  5. Scoop up the yarn with the groove of your hook, and pull it through the chain. There are now both the loop and the yarn on your hook: pull the yarn through the loop. You have now crocheted your first Slip Stitch!
  6. To continue working in Slip Stitch, insert the hook in to the next chain and repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have crocheted into the last stitch of your foundation chain.
  7. To work across a row which has already been crocheted make a turning chain of 1 stitch.
  8. Insert your hook into the next stitch (not the turning chain you just made). Make sure to go below to both loops.
  9. Complete the stitch repeating steps 4 and 5. Keep working in this way until you reach the end of your row.

Now you know how to work the Slip Stitch! We’ll see each other soon because the next post will arrive shortly, with video tutorial and step-by-step explanations of Doble Crochet (US: Single Crochet)!