“The Bubbles” is the new capsule collection designed by Gaia Segattini for Bettaknit.

Gaia Segattini would not need an introduction. Everyone has seen or read something about her and her creations in the crafters world, and beyond.


But we would like to present it again and this time properly !!!

Yes, because this project “The Bubbles – Gaia Segattini x Bettaknit” is very cool, it’s contemporary, it’s … it’s exactly as she herself!

In fact, let’s start by her:

Gaia is a creative, a designer, a blogger, she is a teacher, DYI manual author, consultant, columnist for online publications, PR and talent scount in the new craft sector, art director of WeeKenDoit event. She teaches courses and workshops related to re-fashion and crochet, she is present and much followed on all social networks and collaborates with different kind of companies, giving advice to start-ups!

But how does she make all this and how she manages to be a nice, ironic and positive woman, with open and friendly smile, who put heart and soul into everything ? She, who talks our head off, so that we find it hard to take up the conversation? She, who gives, gives when she realizes that on the other side we speak the same language?

The answer is simple: she does everything and stop! And she does it well!

How was the “The Bubbles” project born ?

It was born in less than no time… We got in touch for a quick hello, to tell each other that it would be nice to work together again. We did not finish the sentence, that obviously… we found ourselves unexpectedly with “The Bubbles” project in hand!


The Bubbles Coat  is an iconic garment, to be worn as a mini coat when winter is milder or in Spring. With its color-block in elegant combinations and the bubbles detail, this coat will make even a simple outfit very special.

BUBBLE_PULLOVER The Bubbles Pull is feminine and elegant, but comfortable, very warm and with the bubbles detail to enrich the sleeves. The refined neckline, which continues on the back, it’s beautiful with gathered hair!

How to resist these two garments? How to reject the proposal from the bubbly Gaia Segattini? Obviously, we accepted! Obviously, we gave it our all to present it well!

And you, what do you think? It’s supercool, isn’t it?


Photo by: Aggie Morganti – Model: Mercy T. Kidane