Petit Point Embroidery: video tutorials and tips
Petit Point embroidery is really easy: you can do it even if you have never embroidered before! And it’s even easier if you use our “chunky” yarns like Cool Wool or Fettuccine!
What is Petit Point Embroidery?
The Petit Point is a form of canvas embroidery, already widespread in the early Middle Ages as “Gross Point” and a few centuries later as “Petit Point”. With Petit Point technique was possible to create, with very small stitches, real masterpieces, as beautiful as paintings!
Petit Point indicates needlepoint in general. It is mostly used in upholstery: you can make tapestries, rugs, cushions, bags or to cover surfaces, such as photo albums or other objects.
Actually, Petit Point is commonly described as Half Cross Stitch. As its name implies, it forms a sort of half X (ecs). In practice it is quicker than Cross Stitch embroidery, making only one step. You make a / (right slanting bar) or a \ (left slanting bar) depending on the inclination we want to give to the embroidery.
It is important to always keep the same angle of the stitches in all rows to get a clear and perfect final result!
How to do Petit Point
Petit Point embroidery moves from the bottom left to the top right of each square of the pattern, and from upward to downwards until the pattern is completely covered.
It is generally done on canvas or another similar open weaved fabric.
To do Petit Point, you need to embroider a diagonal. Therefore, it can be convenient to embroider from left to right: from the hole at the bottom to the opposite one at the top, creating “slanting bars”.
On the back, you will only notice small, tidy vertical lines!
Would you learn how to embroider Petit Point?
Did we intrigue you? Well, start with Petit Point: it’s much easier than you think (watch our video tutorial Petit Point Embroidery: how to start the work)!
The Petit Point kits you find on our store are perfect for those who want to learn how to embroider:
- They are easy: mostly they are easy patterns to create modern petit-point tapestries, which will furnish your home with a unique style!
- You will find everything you need to finish your projects. They contain canvas, sewing needle, color pattern and mini skeins of yarn in different colors.
- They will grand an impressive final result!
In this post, we used the materials contained in our Petit Point Embroidery kits: canvas, sewing needle, a ball of Peruvian wool, Cool Wool, in Sweet Lavender color, a perfect yarn to practice with all the techniques!
Never tried our yarns? On our website you will find a wide catalog of wool online: wool and cotton skeins of the best fibers (alpaca, mohair, Peruvian wool, Pima cotton, and recycled yarns ), as well as Knit Kits, Crochet Kits, Weaving and Embroidery Kits containing everything you need!
Test yourself and start now!
Don’t forget to show your project on Instagram with the hashtag #bettaknit ;-)